A Cost-Effective Way to Reach More Customers, and Conduct Market Research

Our Workplace Product Sample Delivery program provides a more simplistic and cost-effective method to reach hundreds of thousands of target customers in a meaningful way, by reducing or removing several budgetary line-items that come with live activations.  We ensure samples are dropped directly on employee desks or a prominent area of the breakroom, and our added-value Integrated Marketing includes a company email blast to announce the program and product, and the ability to place collateral/coupons with samples.

In addition to product marketing, this program provides a convenient platform to collect valuable customer feedback during your market research for a Product Launch.  Your brand/agency can coordinate and execute your survey and analytics internally, or Events At Work can facilitate this effort as needed.

This service can be used as a stand-alone program, or supplement a live tour to distribute many more samples while in-market.  Some clients even elevate their Workplace Lobby or Plaza Sampling by delivering additional product directly to the companies within the building afterwards, to ensure a longer-lasting impression.

Workplace Office Building Sample Delivery Drop
Workplace Breakroom Office Building Sample Delivery Drop
Workplace Breakroom sampling